Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A New Day!

I had an interview yesterday and I fell very confident in the fact that it went well! Keep your fingers crossed!

Regarding Bush's State of the Union Address that was on air last night, I didn't watch the entire broadcast. I did, however, hear what he plans to do with taxes in this country. He plans to lower taxes. But what really surprised me was the fact that he does know what is going wrong with the economy (the raised price of food and gas, job shortages, etc). Did he just find out this information? We've been having these problems for a long time now and why did he wait until the end of his presidency to correct these problems? Well, maybe he explained why later on in his speech and I just didn't hear it. What was really weird, however, is that, when he spoke of taxes, only the rights side of the room stood, clapped, and cheered. Hang on while I find out which political party sits on the right of the House of Representatives...OH! They are the Democrats! Okay...that makes since! I was confused at first, thinking that only the Republicans agreed with Bush but now I know they weren't because they remained seated on the left side while Bush spoke of his plans for lowered taxes.

P.S: I hope you like my MP3 player! Isn't it the best:)

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